Certificate Specials
11-month Certificate
Regular and IRA Certificates as high as
4.00% APY*
25-month Certificate**
Regular Certificates as high as
3.50% APY*
36-month Certificate
Regular and IRA Certificates as high as
3.25% APY*
*Annual Percentage Yields (APY) are accurate as of 11/13/2024 and subject to change without notice. The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for the 11-month Certificate is 4.00%; the APR on the 25-month Certificate is 3.50%; the APR on the 36-month Certificate is 3.25%. Upon maturity, the 11-month Certificate will automatically renew as a 12-month Certificate; the 25-month Certificate will automatically renew as a 24-month Certificate. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. Fees and penalties may reduce earnings. Dividends are compounded and credited quarterly. Minimum amount required to open and earn APY is $500. This offer is also available for Traditional and Roth IRA certificates with the exception of the 25-month Certificate. Call 800-775-7741 for further details. Deposits are federally insured up to $250,000. IRA deposits are federally insured separately up to $250,000.
**Regular certificate only, not available as a Traditional and Roth IRA certificate.