Ohio Turnpike Scam

Don’t click on that link – beware of the smishing scam!

7 17 Credit Union has been made aware of fraudulent text messages being sent out related to unpaid Ohio Turnpike tolls. This is a scam. The Ohio Turnpike does NOT request payments by text. 7 17 that we will never text you or ask you to give us your card numbers nor will we ever ask you to read us a code that you receive on your end. Neither will a reputable agency like the Ohio Turnpike Commission. According to the Federal Trade Commission, these types of smishing scams are on the rise right now, so please protect yourself and lean on 7 17 for support.

No matter what the unexpected text says, the advice is the same.

  • Don't click on links or respond to unexpected texts. That includes ones asking you to input numbers, confirm payment info, address, or even ones that ask you to fill out surveys to get free items. If you think it could be legit, contact the company using a website or phone number you know is real. Don't use the information in the text message.
  • Do not share any personal or financial information if you receive one of these text messages or phone calls.
  • Contact 7 17 Credit Union if you ever feel uncertain or uneasy about any correspondence you receive, whether it be via text, voicemail, mail, or other.
See our best practices at www.717cu.com/bestpractices